Orange Jelly with Yogurt Cream

  • 210 mins
  • 4
Orange Jelly with Yogurt Cream

Jelly is a great sweet treat and now you can introduce various flavours using the Spice Drops®.


For the jelly:

  • 500 ml freshly squeezed orange juice
  • 2 tbsps. of Sugar
  • 1 Earl Grey tea bag
  • 4 drops Ginger Spice Drops®
  • 2 gelatin sachets, (23 g in total)

For the yogurt cream:


For the jelly:

  1.  Pour the orange juice into a saucepan, add the sugar and drop in the earl grey tea bag. Keep the saucepan on medium heat until the mixture becomes warm and the sugar is dissolved. Take care to ensure that the mixture does not boil.
  2. Remove the teabag and let the mixture cool down a bit until lukewarm. Otherwise the jelly will not set.
  3. Now stir in the gelatin. Whisk briskly to blend. The ratio of liquid to gelatin is reduced for a slightly firmer jelly.
  4. Pour the mixture into a very lightly oiled tray. Use sunflower as it has no residual taste. This helps to take the set jelly out in clean chunks.
  5. Put the jelly mix in the fridge to set, for at least 3 hours.
  6. To cut the jelly- Take a knife and a jug of boiled water, dip the knife in the water and then cut the jelly into small squares, about 1 cm square. Keep dipping the knife before each cut to get clean edges on the squares.

For the yogurt cream:

  1. For the yogurt cream: Whip the cream very lightly. Add the yoghurt and incorporate.
  2. Then add the Vanilla Spice Drops® and the sugar and mix well.
  3.  Now stir in the gelatine and the Ginger Spice Drops®. Garnish with fresh orange slices.